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Archaic and architectural, bold and visceral, in heavy rotation and ever-changing constellation: in a unique manner Zed Taylor combines sculpture and painting whilst reinventing the means of portraiture by formally referring to human proportions.

Walking into his studio is like travelling time - however, it is not clear into which direction. Some sculptures seem like fossilised eggs of dinosaurs, stone-age relics, monoliths dedicated to the primal instinct. Or are we looking at relics of a dystopian dark paradise, the foreshadowing of a time to come?

Taylor’s kaleidoscopic world consists of textural juxtapositions; he combines soil with photos, steal with paint and many materials he creates are indefinable.

The formal compatibility of his creations allows to engage very intimately with this rough beauty - and take home a tailored piece of the world of Mr Taylor.

Georg Meyer-Wiel, London 2014


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